Annapolis County Council Elects New Warden and Deputy Warden

Councillor Alex Morrison will serve as Annapolis County’s warden, with Councillor Brad Redden fulfilling the role of deputy warden. These gentleman will lead the group for the remaining two-year term.

The newly appointed warden and deputy warden were selected during the regular Council session on November 15th.

Councillor Lynn Longmire nominated Councillor Brad Redden; Councillor Brian “Fuzzy” Connell nominated Councillor Alex Morrison; and Councillor Wendy Sheridan nominated Councillor Michael Gunn for the position of warden The nominees were given the opportunity to briefly address their peers prior to a vote by secret ballot.

Councillor Wendy Sheridan nominated Councillor Brian “Fuzzy” Connell; Councillor Diane LeBlanc nominated Councillor Brad Redden; and Councillor Lynn Longmire nominated Councillor Clyde Barteaux for the position of deputy warden. The nominees were given the opportunity to briefly address their peers prior to a vote by secret ballot.

After no clear majority was called for the role of deputy warden during the first vote, the top two nominated names – Councillor Connell and Councillor Redden - were put forward for another vote by secret ballot. Councillor Redden was elected.

A special election will be called in District 3 to replace former warden, Councillor Alan Parish, who recently resigned from his position on Council.
