2025 Volunteer Nominations Now Being Accepted!!
Annapolis County Volunteer Recognition
Nominations now being accepted
We regularly witness remarkable acts of generosity in Annapolis County, watching people volunteer their time to help each and enhance community spirit through the organization of events and festivals.
Let's not miss the chance to acknowledge these deserving people! Please use the online submission form shown below. If you have any questions, please contact Nadine McCormick .
Online nomination form Click Here
We also ask that a picture of your volunteer be included, if possible.
All nominated volunteers will be recognized locally at a future celebration (TBA). Additionally, a selection committee will choose one volunteer from all the nominations to receive a provincial volunteer award at a reception hosted by the Province. (TBA).
Each year, as we celebrate our volunteers, our primary purpose is to thank and honour people who donate their time to help others. Let's make sure to recognize these individuals for their kindness and community spirit.